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Excel charts
with Dynamic Arrays 050:
Interactive Fourfolding

Taking the torch here; an interactive extension and emulation of the amazing work of Andrés Rojas Moncada who translated to dynamic arrays the works of Hicham Bou Habib for making a fourfold chart in Excel.

track id: Todd Terje – Strandbar (Samba Mix)

Here’s Hicham’s work:
And here’s Andres’ translation with dynamic arrays:

My contribution: taking Andres’ work and adding interactivity by switching the fields of interest, filtering the data based on items of the fields selected, swapping the axis, switching the metric being analyzed and adjusting the detail of the data labels. Note: with fourfold, it’s important to state how much from the total is being analyzed, you can find this information below the chart.

And finally, I don’t make data graphics for the masses to watch to. I make data graphics for the small majority that want to see. Quote re-adapted from DJ Moodymann: “I don’t make music for the masses to dance to. I make music for the small majority that listens.”