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Excel charts
with Dynamic Arrays 049:
Random Wafflefolds

Consider the following below a variant using a scatterplot for plotting a randomized fourfold display. Inspired from the amazing work of Hicham Bou Habib on making fourfold displays with Excel.

Please be sure to check out his gallery of hashtagExcel charts: – it is a source of inspiration for my persona and a “virtual” temple of reflection on caring about the functional aspect of data graphics. Hicham, may one day I could emulate your non-ribbon sankey into an interactive one…until next time we chat my friend.

track id: Afro Medusa – Pasilda (Original Mix)

And finally, I don’t make data graphics for the masses to watch to. I make data graphics for the small majority that want to see. Quote re-adapted from DJ Moodymann: “I don’t make music for the masses to dance to. I make music for the small majority that listens.”