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Excel charts
with Dynamic Arrays 048:
Swapping Contexts

Numbers or metrics shine when they are put into context. I believe we are “comparative creatures”, always comparing and judging stuff. Another example below for teaching colleagues and clients how put numbers in perspective using 6 different visual techniques switched by a pivot table slicer:

  1. Bench-marking: think of the “peers’ average” on axis with other items.
  2. Delta bars: for current values versus a prior period(s).
  3. Deviation from selection: how all compared to one item of interest.
  4. Range band> how are items within range of parameters.
  5. Common famous reference line: who is above or under.
  6. Versus target: how far to comply or how much over the quota.

This is just 6 potential ways to showcase the power of context in data visualization. As learned from the great Edward Tufte, when analyzing a number, remember, “Compared to what?”

track id: Logg – Dancing Into The Stars (Original Mix)

I don’t make data graphics for the masses to watch to. I make data graphics for the small majority that want to see. Quote re-adapted from DJ Moodymann: “I don’t make music for the masses to dance to. I make music for the small majority that listens.”