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Excel charts
with Dynamic Arrays 047:
Switching Encoding

The term encoding in data visualization can refer to “packaging” quantitative information into visual elements like lines or points to facilitate analysts or general audiences in grasping faster and easier the intricate structures the data may have. Very often I get into discussions with colleagues and clients on switching bar charts to dot plots or vice versa.

Below a simple interactive example for educational purposes for teaching others on different types of encodings along with some interactivity like, switching the encoding, highlighting items of interest, changing the placement of the data labels, filtering the data (with pivot table slicers!), sorting the axis by the items or values in ascending or descending order, and also … “losing” or fixing the scale of the horizontal axis…

track id: Sonny Jenkins & NY Potpourri Strings – That Friday Pay (Original Mix) played by german dj: Motor City Drum Ensemble.

And finally, I don’t make data graphics for the masses to watch to. I make data graphics for the small majority that want to see. Quote re-adapted from DJ Moodymann: “I don’t make music for the masses to dance to. I make music for the small majority that listens.”