Post 3 of 5: Cycle plots with #Excel ‘s # Dynamic Arrays #. Cycle plots are particularly useful because it can show a great deal of information in a small space, prompting to ask a lot of meaningful questions in search of understanding the impact of month of year and the behavior of seasonal time series or the cyclical patterns over time in #data. Additionally, it nicely separates each series into its own section (months in this example) and this allows to “see” the information without the need for individual colors for each series. Below you are seeing up yo 12 years of data without (and I hope…) information overload. As always, you can download the file here 👉 | with chart name: “012: Cycle Plots”…. now let´s groove ✌😎 with cycle plots and see you in 24 hrs for post 4 😅
p.s. many thanks to Excel Sensei: Mike “excelisfun” Girvin whose tutorial on the number increment-or with # dynamic arrays # link here 👉 was instrumental for this cycle plot to happen! thanks Mike!