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Graphics in journalism 01:
Brazil’s Lula

Yesterday, I watched the following video from VOX‘s YouTube channel, and it contained some interesting graphics that displayed some of the troubles of Brazil’s in the last 20 to 30 years along with their corresponding presidencies in this recent period.


These are the graphics that I found interesting:

Graphic n° 1


Graphic n° 2


Graphic n° 3


Graphic n° 4


Graphic n° 5


Graphic n° 6


Graphic n° 7


Graphic n° 8


Graphic n° 9


Graphic n° 10


Graphic n° 11


Graphic n° 12


Graphic n° 13


Graphic n° 14


Graphic n° 15


Graphic n° 16

And finally, below is my reaction / review on all these 16 interesting graphics from VOX’s video.


And that’s it for today, see you tomorrow.