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a PRO tip on learning DAX

Another amazing and mind-blowing interview on the Kasper On BI YouTube channel.

This time with the DAX Sensei: Jeffrey Wang.

Before the interview ended, Kasper de Jonge, asked the following excellent question: what’s the best approach to learn and become effective with DAX?

Here’s Jeffrey’s response (minute 1:07:28 below). Grab pen & paper.


So, in summary, when learning DAX, focus on:

    1. The innovation about reusable calculations.
    2. The concept of evaluation contexts.
    3. Learning DAX with a mindset of learning a new concept from scratch, zero, nada. No biases, no preconceptions, no prejudices.
    4. And getting over the initial curve of pre-conceived notions in learning a new functional language.

And that’s it for today folks. See you tomorrow.